You are the regional head of an automobile manufacturing industry. Your industry procures raw materials and spare parts from multiple upstream industries. A Manager from the marketing department of the electronic goods industry where he works as an employee approaches you personally. His industry is a critical supplier for making cars. He has a deal for you. If his brother is employed in your company as Production Engineer, he will supply some unaccounted goods (free of cost) to your company without the knowledge of his organization. This will save large sums of money for your company. – INSIGHTSIAS


6. You are the regional head of an automobile manufacturing industry. Your industry procures raw materials and spare parts from multiple upstream industries. A Manager from the marketing department of the electronic goods industry where he works as an employee approaches you personally. His industry is a critical supplier for making cars. He has a deal for you. If his brother is employed in your company as Production Engineer, he will supply some unaccounted goods (free of cost) to your company without the knowledge of his organization. This will save large sums of money for your company.

What will be your decision in this case? Also, justify your decision.

Why this question?

Ethical issues in procurement of raw materials and services in private enterprises

Structure of the question


Identify your main priorities as the regional head of an automobile industry.


  • Identify all the stakeholders in the case study and important values in the case study
  • Highlight if any ethical concerns associated with these stakeholders
  • Identify all the options available for you, mention the pros and cons of each of these options
  • Justify which course of action you will take by mentioning relevant ethical philosophies (Gandhian, Utilitarian, Kantian, Virtue, etc.) behind your course of action


Underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in procurement


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