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General Studies – 1
Topic: Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.
Reference: orfonline.org
Why the question:
The article explains in what way although social media has had a transformative impact on women with political, financial, and social empowerment, yet women battle lack of access, language barriers, and safety concerns on these platforms.
Key Demand of the question:
Discuss the significance of social media in the lives of women. explain the challenges faced by women on social media.
Elaborate – Give a detailed account as to how and why it occurred, or what is the particular context. You must be defining key terms where ever appropriate, and substantiate with relevant associated facts.
Structure of the answer:
Start with what social media is and its reach.
The answer body must have the following aspects covered:
Firstly, explain why social media matters to women; give both positives and negatives.
Discuss the reasons preventing women’s full participation in social media.
Highlight the policies and mechanisms that are present to protect women against the concerns and challenges that social media poses.
Suggest solutions to address the issue.
General Studies – 2
Topic: Important International institutions, agencies and fora- their structure, mandate.
2. What are the main criticisms of the World Bank and the IMF? Discuss. (250 words)
Reference: brettonwoodsproject.org
Why the question:
The question is based on the topic of international institutions namely the World Bank and the IMF.
Key Demand of the question:
Discuss the main criticisms of World Bank and the IMF.
Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you have to debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You have to give reasons for both for and against arguments.
Structure of the answer:
Start with what the institutions are about.
The IMF and World Bank continue to be amongst the most relevant and significant powerful norm-setters, conveners, knowledge-holders and influencers of the international development and financial landscape.
Discuss the Historical context of IMF and World Bank critiques.
Give reasons such as – Structural under-representation of the Global South, Undermining democratic ownership, Biased and inconsistent decision-making, weak ability to learn from past mistakes etc.
Conclude with what needs to be done.
Topic: Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, issues and challenges pertaining to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.
Reference: The Hindu
Why the question:
The article brings to us insights on the upcoming crisis in the Indian federalism.
Key Demand of the question:
Discuss the afore mentioned challenge that Indian federalism is about to witness.
Comment– here we have to express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.
Structure of the answer:
Start with brief context of the question.
In 2026, there will be the challenge of addressing the conflict between the democratic principles and the federal principles, when there will be a reallocation of Lok Sabha seats. India needs to reimagine the current federal compact to address the challenges to federalism.
Talk about the Population freeze for Lok Sabha seats.
Discuss the challenge of balancing the principle of democracy and federalism
Suggest way forward on addressing the challenges to federalism.
General Studies – 3
Topic: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.
Reference: The Hindu
Why the question:
The question aims to analyse the impact of covid-19 on India’s vulnerability to the dependence on global electronics supply chains.
Key Demand of the question:
Analyse the underlying reasons that have caused such vulnerability and discuss the measures taken by the government for making self-sufficient electronic industry in India.
Analyze – When asked to analyse, you have to examine methodically the structure or nature of the topic by separating it into component parts and present them as a whole in a summary.
Structure of the answer:
Start with some key facts justifying the statement in question.
Highlight first why there is dependence on other countries when it comes to electronic goods.
Discuss the factors that have led to such vulnerability.
Discuss the measures taken by the government for making self-sufficient electronic industry in India.
Talk about Atmanirbhar Bharat and its relevance and other associated schemes in this direction.
Conclude with way forward.
Topic: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization, of resources, growth, development and employment.
Reference: Hindustan Times
Why the question:
The question is based on the premise of India and the options of becoming a circular economy.
Key Demand of the question:
Examine the opportunities and challenges in realizing the potential of India’s Circular Economy.
Examine – When asked to ‘Examine’, we must look into the topic (content words) in detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to the topic in question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are important and their implications.
Structure of the answer:
Start with what you understand by a circular economy.
Explain how India has the opportunity to save money, make money and do well by adopting the principles of the circular economy. It has the opportunity to leapfrog other economies and establish a leadership position.
Traditionally, the Indian economy has been one where reusing, re-purposing and recycling have been second nature. In a world that is increasingly running out of natural resources, this thinking is an asset that must be leveraged by businesses, policymakers and citizens in an organized manner and expanded to include other elements to make the economy truly circular.
Highlight the challenges before it.
Conclude with way forward.
General Studies – 4
Topic: Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service, integrity, impartiality and nonpartisanship, objectivity, dedication to public service, empathy, tolerance and compassion towards the weaker-sections.
Reference: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude by Lexicon Publications
Why the question:
The question is based on the subjects of Tolerance and idea of acceptance and their importance.
Key Demand of the question:
One is expected to elaborate on how tolerance alone is not sufficient to make the society inclusive but it is the idea of acceptance which is of importance.
Elaborate – Give a detailed account as to how and why it occurred, or what is the particular context. You must be defining key terms where ever appropriate, and substantiate with relevant associated facts.
Structure of the answer:
Start with what you understand by tolerance and the idea of acceptance.
In the beginning bring out the difference between tolerance and acceptance.
While tolerance and acceptance are often used interchangeably, there are qualitative differences between the two. Tolerance is a fair, objective, and permissive attitude towards those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one’s own. However, acceptance not only recognizes differences but also empathizes with those differences. It is knowing, understanding, and being at peace with the way things are and with the way reality is.
Discuss how acceptance has a broader meaning than tolerance.
Also, discuss how it makes a society inclusive. Give examples of any govt. policy that is premised on this context.
Conclude suitably.
Topic: Public/Civil service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems; ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions; laws, rules, regulations and conscience as sources of ethical guidance; accountability and ethical governance; strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance; ethical issues in international relations and funding; corporate governance.
Reference: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude by Lexicon Publications
Why the question:
The question is from the static portions of GS paper IV, theme corporate Governance.
Key Demand of the question:
With the help of examples one must illustrate the importance of adhering to corporate governance for companies and how it aids them in long run.
Evaluate – When you are asked to evaluate, you have to pass a sound judgement about the truth of the given statement in the question or the topic based on evidences. You have to appraise the worth of the statement in question. There is scope for forming a personal opinion here.
Structure of the answer:
Start with the definition of corporate governance.
Discuss why companies need corporate governance? – The purpose of corporate governance is to facilitate effective, entrepreneurial and prudent management that can deliver the long-term success of the company.
Give reasons with examples why such companies emerge as winners in the long run.
Justify with examples how companies ignoring corporate governance do not sustain in the long run.
Conclude appropriately based on the above points.