[MISSION 2022] SECURE 2022 : Daily UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice: 1 December 2021 – INSIGHTSIAS




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General Studies – 1


Topic: Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc.,

1. Increasing trend of urban flooding is a universal phenomenon and poses a great challenge to urban planners the world over. Comment. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Easy

Reference: Insights on India

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 1 and mentioned as part of Mission-2022 Secure timetable.

Key Demand of the question:

To understand the cause of urban floods and ways to mitigate them

Directive word: 

Comment- here we must express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by explaining what is urban flood and the widespread nature of this issue.


Mention the causes of urban floods such as lake bed encroachments, deforestation etc.

Next, mention the need for a city wise strategic approach and recourse in the building codes and by-laws of cities to ensure proper drainage channels and provision for perforation of rainfall into ground water to avoid urban floods.


Conclude by giving examples of few regions that have mastered the techniques of managing floods and stress on the need for other cities to follow suit.


Topic: Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc.,

2. Forest fires are a regular phenomenon in our country often observed during the fire season. But Forest fires have been more frequent than usual and have also taken place during winter. Examine. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Insights on India

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 1 and mentioned as part of Mission-2022 Secure timetable.

Key Demand of the question:

The article explains why forest fires break out and why they have been so frequent.

Directive word:

Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you must debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You must give reasons for both for and against arguments.

Structure of the answer:


Start with some data relevant to forest fires in India.


Draw a small illustrative diagram showing major forest fire prone areas.

Discuss first the reasons of forest fires; Thunderstorms are the most likely natural cause for forest fires. Slash and burn techniques etc. The reasons are mainly manmade, particularly in cases where people visit forests and leave burning bidis, cigarette stubs or other inflammable materials.

Next, explain the concerns posed by it. Explain why they are difficult to control.

Next, discuss the efforts being taken in this direction.


Conclude with way forward.


General Studies – 2


Topic: devolution of powers and finances up to local levels and challenges therein.

3. A greater role and devolution of funds for local bodies can boost healthcare but administrative challenges need to be addressed for it to be effective. Analyse. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: The Hindu

Why the question: 

In early November 2021, a potentially game-changing and transformative development went by, almost unnoticed — the release of ₹8,453.92 crore to 19 States, as a health grant to rural and urban local bodies (ULBs), by the Department of Expenditure, the Ministry of Finance.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about how healthcare cab bolstered by giving a greater administrative and financial role for local bodies.

Directive word: 

Analyse – When asked to analyse, you must examine methodically the structure or nature of the topic by separating it into component parts and present them in a summary.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by mentioning how local bodies can play an important part in health care of India.


First, explain how a greater role in administrative and financial capabilities can help healthcare in India – Mohalla clinics of elhi.

Next, discuss the various administrative obstacles to it – excessive bureaucracy, lack of infrastructure, corruption and leakages etc.

Next, explain the steps that are needed to be taken in the above regard to address it.


Conclude with a way forward.


General Studies – 3


Topic: Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.

4. With increased awareness of climate change, nuclear energy has received renewed attention. Evaluate the role of nuclear energy in climate change mitigation measures. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Indian Express

Why the question:

Supporters of nuclear energy say it can help us wean our economies off polluting fossil fuels. But what about the facts? Can nuclear power really help save the climate?

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the efficacy of nuclear energy in fight against climate change.

Directive word: 

Evaluate – When you are asked to evaluate, you have to pass a sound judgement about the truth of the given statement in the question or the topic based on evidence.  You must appraise the worth of the statement in question. There is scope for forming an opinion here.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by writing about global approach to Nuclear energy and cite statistic to its contribution to energy security.


First, write about the potential of nuclear energy – clean energy, reduced emissions, emerging technology etc

Next, Mention risks associated with nuclear energy. Highlight why we shouldn’t depend completely on nuclear.


Conclude with a way forward to harness nuclear energy while exploring other sources of clean energy.


Topic: Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.

5. The large-scale adoption electric vehicles (EV) can address the issues of air pollution, energy security, and climate change in India. Discuss. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Easy

Reference: Indian Express

Why the question:

India is the fifth largest car market in the world and has the potential to become one of the top three in the near future — with about 40 crore customers in need of mobility solutions by the year 2030.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the impact of shifting to electric vehicles on the environment and economy.


Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you must debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You must give reasons for both for and against arguments.   

Structure of the answer:


Start by describing the electric vehicles (EV) technology vis-à-vis fossil fuel-based vehicles.


Mention the impact the EV can have on India economically in terms of reducing dependence on crude oil and reduced import bill and improved domestic energy independence.

Write about the environmental benefits of shift to EV – Give facts and figures relation to vehicular emission in India, the impact of it and how shifting to EV can be environmentally advantageous as well as sustainable in the long run.

Mention the various measures taken in this regard so far such as FAME-I, FAME-II, Developing domestic battery manufacturing capacity, mining for Lithium and Cobalt etc.

Suggest further steps need in this regard.


Suggest further steps that are needed to be taken in this regard.


Topic: Security challenges and their management in border areas – linkages of organized crime with terrorism.

6. India is wedged between the world’s two largest areas of drug trade, the Golden Crescent and the Golden Triangle which not only violates India’s borders, but also poses a significant threat to national security. Elaborate. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: The Hindu

Why the question:

According to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), opium production in Afghanistan has crossed 6,000 tonnes for the fifth consecutive year.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about increasing trend in drug trafficking, what way India’s location makes it more vulnerable and counter measures taken by India.

Directive word: 

Elaborate – Give a detailed account as to how and why it occurred, or what is the context. You must be defining key terms wherever appropriate and substantiate with relevant associated facts.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by mention the presence of Golden Crescent and the Golden Triangle and draw a small map to represent the same.


First, India’s vulnerability to the trafficking of narcotics and drugs such as heroin, hashish, and synthetic drugs produced in these areas.

Increased production of opium in Afghanistan, greater domestic demand in India, and connivance of state government officials and border guarding forces together contributed towards this increase in heroin trafficking, especially in the Punjab sector. Then explain the trends in drug and narcotics trafficking; explain how it’s a threat to national security.

Discuss efforts of the government in this direction.


Conclude with way forward.


General Studies – 4


Topic: Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators;

7. What does this quote means to you? (150 words)

“The existence of poverty is the proof of an unjust and ill-organised society, and our public charities are but the first tardy awakening in the conscience of a robber.” ― Sri Aurobindo

Difficulty level: Moderate

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 4 and part of ‘Quotes Wednesdays’ in Mission-2022 Secure.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by explaining the literal meaning of the quote and highlighting its core link of poverty and inequalities in the society.


Elaborate on the various dimensions of the above quote which shows how poverty is an outcome of injustice in the society – Excessive greed, corruption, hoarding of wealth etc.

Substantiate the about with facts and examples.


Summarise by highlighting the importance of the quote in the present day and measures to create social justice.

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