[ Day 34 – July 22, 2023] 75 Days Mains Revision Plan 2023 – Environment & Ethics – INSIGHTSIAS





Q1. Rejuvenation of polluted stretches of rivers in India crucial for the survival of people and the environment. Discuss. (10M)


Q2. Enumerate the key results and the potential impacts of the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework during the COP15 conference? How is India contributing to it.  (15M)




Syllabus: “Ethical issues in international relations and funding Corporate governance”

Q3. How can the international community, especially in the era of social media, strike a balance between defending the right to free speech and preventing hate speech and misinformation?


Case study


Q4. An international NGO’s report has been recently released which quotes chain of farmer suicides in your state. There has been huge difference between data on number of suicides by the state government and that of NGO. The farm distress includes, debt trap, loss of land fertility, distress sale, etc. Above all, the livelihood fragility and stress has caused huge psychological trauma. A government appointed committee also recently came out with a finding that psychological trauma caused 86% of farmers to lose interest and leave farming if they have a choice. The villages are sorrowful, frustrated and traumatized and lost a happy and dignified life and find themselves in a dilemma of choosing between life and death. You are appointed as the special officer for controlling farmer suicides, while responsibility of making agriculture remunerative has been given to another officer, your assignment is to make farmers confident, feel optimistic and bring back ‘happiness’ in their life. Narrate the logical and practical actions you will be taking upon assuming the responsibility. (20M)


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