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Question 1 of 5
Match the following sites of pre-historic rock paintings with the state they are located in:
Site State
- Tekkalkota Maharashtra
- Piklihal Karnataka
- Lakhudiyar Uttarakhand
Select the correct answer code:
CorrectSolution: c)
The granite rocks of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh provided suitable canvases to the Neolithic paintings. There are several such sites but more famous among them are Kupgallu (Telangana), Piklihal and Tekkalkota (both in Karnataka).
The rock shelters on banks of the River Suyal at Lakhudiyar (Uttarakhand), about twenty kilometres on the Almora–Barechina road, bear these prehistoric paintings. Lakhudiyar literally means one lakh caves.
Richest paintings are reported from the Vindhya ranges of Madhya Pradesh and their Kaimurean extensions into Uttar Pradesh. These hill ranges are full of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic remains.
IncorrectSolution: c)
The granite rocks of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh provided suitable canvases to the Neolithic paintings. There are several such sites but more famous among them are Kupgallu (Telangana), Piklihal and Tekkalkota (both in Karnataka).
The rock shelters on banks of the River Suyal at Lakhudiyar (Uttarakhand), about twenty kilometres on the Almora–Barechina road, bear these prehistoric paintings. Lakhudiyar literally means one lakh caves.
Richest paintings are reported from the Vindhya ranges of Madhya Pradesh and their Kaimurean extensions into Uttar Pradesh. These hill ranges are full of Palaeolithic and Mesolithic remains.
Question 2 of 5
Consider the following statements regarding Mesolithic age.
- Mesolithic age is the transitional phase between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic age.
- The Mesolithic people lived on hunting, fishing, and food gathering and did not domesticate animals.
- Bagor in Rajasthan had a distinctive microlithic industry.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
CorrectSolution: c)
In 9000 BC began an intermediate stage in Stone-Age culture, which is called the Mesolithic age. It intervened as a transitional phase between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic or New Stone ages. The Mesolithic people lived on hunting, fishing, and food gathering; at a later stage they also domesticated animals.
The first three occupations continued the Palaeolithic practice, whereas the last developed in the Neolithic culture. Thus, the Mesolithic age marked a transitional phase in the mode of subsistence leading to animal husbandry. The characteristic tools of the Mesolithic age are microliths or tiny tools. Mesolithic sites abound in Rajasthan, southern UP, central and eastern India, and also south of the river Krishna. Of them, Bagor in Rajasthan is very well excavated. It had a distinctive microlithic industry, and its inhabitants subsisted on hunting and pastoralism. The site remained occupied for 5000 years from the fifth millennium BC onwards. Adamgarh in MP and Bagor in Rajasthan provide the earliest evidence for the domestication of animals in the Indian part of the subcontinent; this could be around 5000 BC.
IncorrectSolution: c)
In 9000 BC began an intermediate stage in Stone-Age culture, which is called the Mesolithic age. It intervened as a transitional phase between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic or New Stone ages. The Mesolithic people lived on hunting, fishing, and food gathering; at a later stage they also domesticated animals.
The first three occupations continued the Palaeolithic practice, whereas the last developed in the Neolithic culture. Thus, the Mesolithic age marked a transitional phase in the mode of subsistence leading to animal husbandry. The characteristic tools of the Mesolithic age are microliths or tiny tools. Mesolithic sites abound in Rajasthan, southern UP, central and eastern India, and also south of the river Krishna. Of them, Bagor in Rajasthan is very well excavated. It had a distinctive microlithic industry, and its inhabitants subsisted on hunting and pastoralism. The site remained occupied for 5000 years from the fifth millennium BC onwards. Adamgarh in MP and Bagor in Rajasthan provide the earliest evidence for the domestication of animals in the Indian part of the subcontinent; this could be around 5000 BC.
Question 3 of 5
Consider the following statements regarding Neolithic culture.
- Cultivation of plants and domestication of animals led to the emergence of village communities based on sedentary life.
- There is evidence for the cultivation of rice.
- Clothes made of wool were used.
- Cattle were used for obtaining animal products, but not for cultivation or transport.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
CorrectSolution: a)
The chief characteristic features of the Neolithic culture are the practice of agriculture, domestication of animals, polishing of stone tools and the manufacture of pottery. In fact, the cultivation of plants and domestication of animals led to the emergence of village communities based on sedentary life There was a great improvement in technology of making tools and other equipment used by man. Stone tools were now polished.
The polished axes were found to be more effective tools for hunting and cutting trees. Mud brick houses were built instead of grass huts. Wheels were used to make pottery. Pottery was used for cooking as well as storage of food grains. Large urns were used as coffins for the burial of the dead. There was also improvement in agriculture.
Wheat, barely, rice, millet were cultivated in different areas at different points of time. Rice cultivation was extensive in eastern India. Domestication of sheep, goats and cattle was widely prevalent. Cattle were used for cultivation and for transport. The people of Neolithic Age used clothes made of cotton and wool.
IncorrectSolution: a)
The chief characteristic features of the Neolithic culture are the practice of agriculture, domestication of animals, polishing of stone tools and the manufacture of pottery. In fact, the cultivation of plants and domestication of animals led to the emergence of village communities based on sedentary life There was a great improvement in technology of making tools and other equipment used by man. Stone tools were now polished.
The polished axes were found to be more effective tools for hunting and cutting trees. Mud brick houses were built instead of grass huts. Wheels were used to make pottery. Pottery was used for cooking as well as storage of food grains. Large urns were used as coffins for the burial of the dead. There was also improvement in agriculture.
Wheat, barely, rice, millet were cultivated in different areas at different points of time. Rice cultivation was extensive in eastern India. Domestication of sheep, goats and cattle was widely prevalent. Cattle were used for cultivation and for transport. The people of Neolithic Age used clothes made of cotton and wool.
Question 4 of 5
Consider the following statements regarding Chalcolithic period.
- It was the period when copper and bronze came to be used.
- The use of stone tools was given up.
- The Harappan culture is considered as a part of Chalcolithic culture.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
CorrectSolution: c)
The Neolithic period is followed by Chalcolithic (copper-stone) period when copper and bronze came to be used. The new technology of smelting metal ore and crafting metal artifacts is an important development in human civilization. But the use of stone tools was not given up.
Some of the micro-lithic tools continued to be essential items. People began to travel for a long distance to obtain metal ores. This led to a network of Chalcolithic cultures and the Chalcolithic cultures were found in many parts of India.
Generally, Chalcolithic cultures had grown in river valleys. Most importantly, the Harappan culture is considered as a part of Chalcolithic culture.
IncorrectSolution: c)
The Neolithic period is followed by Chalcolithic (copper-stone) period when copper and bronze came to be used. The new technology of smelting metal ore and crafting metal artifacts is an important development in human civilization. But the use of stone tools was not given up.
Some of the micro-lithic tools continued to be essential items. People began to travel for a long distance to obtain metal ores. This led to a network of Chalcolithic cultures and the Chalcolithic cultures were found in many parts of India.
Generally, Chalcolithic cultures had grown in river valleys. Most importantly, the Harappan culture is considered as a part of Chalcolithic culture.
Question 5 of 5
Consider the following statements regarding Chalcolithic period.
- Chalcolithic cultures had grown in river valleys.
- Alloys were not known to Chalcolithic people.
- Chalcolithic culture flourished mainly in North India and there are no evidence of Chalcolithic sites present in South India.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
CorrectSolution: a)
Generally, Chalcolithic cultures had grown in river valleys. In South India the river valleys of the Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra, Pennar and Kaveri were settled by farming communities during this period.
Although they were not using metals in the beginning of the Metal Age, there is evidence of copper and bronze (an alloy) artifacts by the end of second millennium B.C. Several bronze and copper objects, beads, terracotta figurines and pottery were found at Paiyampalli in Tamil Nadu.
IncorrectSolution: a)
Generally, Chalcolithic cultures had grown in river valleys. In South India the river valleys of the Godavari, Krishna, Tungabhadra, Pennar and Kaveri were settled by farming communities during this period.
Although they were not using metals in the beginning of the Metal Age, there is evidence of copper and bronze (an alloy) artifacts by the end of second millennium B.C. Several bronze and copper objects, beads, terracotta figurines and pottery were found at Paiyampalli in Tamil Nadu.