[MISSION 2022] SECURE 2022 : Daily UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice: 25 May 2022 – INSIGHTSIAS



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General Studies – 1


Topic: The Freedom Struggle — its various stages and important contributors/contributions from different parts of the country.

1. Government of India Act 1935 was the most comprehensive act passed by the British but did very little in politically and economically empowering Indians. Critically examine. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Easy


Chapter 20- A Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir (Spectrum Publishers)

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 1 and mentioned as part of Mission-2022 Secure timetable.

Key Demand of the question: To write about the reactions of Indian leaders to the Government of India Act 1935.

Directive word: 

Critically examine – When asked to ‘Examine’, we have to look into the topic (content words) in detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to the topic in question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are important and their implications. When ‘critically’ is suffixed or prefixed to a directive, one needs to look at the good and bad of the topic and give a fair judgment.

Structure of the answer:


Start by giving the context for the introduction of the Government of India Act,1935.


First, write about the various features of Government of India Act,1935 and the various positives of the act.

Next, write about the negatives- concept of federation with Provinces to join the imperial power and have a reserved representation, promoting feudal despotism, communally divisive approach and economic control of federal budget.


In the conclusion, despite its flaws major India leaders decided to give it a try and its outcome.


General Studies – 2


Topic: Effects of globalization on Indian society.

2.  As with most technologies, there will be positive and negative impacts on society as artificial intelligence continues to transform the world that we live in. Examine. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Down to Earth

Why the question:

It’s estimated artificial intelligence (AI) will add as much as $15.7 trillion (more than Rs 1214 lakh crore) to the global economy by 2030. If current trends continue, much of this new wealth will be owned and controlled by corporations and individuals based in China and the United States, as well as by the national governments that represent them.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the positive and negative impacts from AI on the society.

Directive word: 

Examine – When asked to ‘Examine’, we must investigate the topic (content words) in detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to the topic in question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are important and their implications.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by giving context regarding AI and its role in Industry 4.0.


First, write about the positive impact of AI on the society – improve the efficiencies of our workplaces, avoid repetitive or dangerous tasks, it could increase happiness and job satisfaction, better monitoring and diagnostic capabilities in healthcare, solving crimes will be enhanced with artificial intelligence etc.

Next, write about the negative impact of AI on the society – dangerous privacy risks, exacerbates racism by standardizing people, and costs workers their jobs, leading to greater unemployment etc. Substantiate with examples.


Conclude with a way forward on how to maximise positives and minimise negatives.


Topic: Parliament and State legislatures—structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers & privileges and issues arising out of these.

3. While fiscal federalism in India has a long history, its practice has grown increasingly opaque over the years. Serious attention is required to improve its principles and practices. Analyse. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Tough

Reference: The Hindu

Why the question:

On May 19, in Union of India vs Mohit Minerals, the Supreme Court of India delivered a ruling which is likely to have an impact far wider than what the Centre might have imagined when it brought the case up on appeal.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the various issues regarding fiscal federalism in India and measures needed to rectify it.

Directive word: 

Analyse – When asked to analyse, you must examine methodically the structure or nature of the topic by separating it into component parts and present them in a summary.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by defining fiscal federalism in India.


First, give a brief about the development of fiscal federalism in India since independence.

Next, write about the various issues with respect to fiscal federalism in India – opacity, GST issues, FRMBA, impact of the pandemic etc.

Next, write about the measures needed to rectify the above.


Conclude with a way forward.


General Studies – 3


Topic: Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.

4. Innovative PPP models that infuse technological innovation can catalyse the transformation of public policy, systems and service delivery. Elaborate. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference:  Live mint

Why the question:

Although India has made great developmental progress and is emerging as the fastest-growing major economy in the world, there are still some persistent development challenges that exist.

Key Demand of the question:

Directive word: 

Elaborate – Give a detailed account as to how and why it occurred, or what is the context. You must be defining key terms wherever appropriate and substantiate with relevant associated facts.

Structure of the answer:


Start by defining PPP model of investment.


First, explain the various features of the PPP model and its various types and advantages of innovative PPP models. Substantiate with examples.

Next, write about the various bottlenecks in PPP model – Regulatory hurdles related to Land Acquisition, crony capitalism, wrongful risk allocation, delays and stalled projects and conflicts between the government and the contractor etc.

Suggest steps as to how to overcome them.


Conclude with a way forward.


Topic: Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.

5. The potential applications of metaverse are not just restricted to entertainment and gaming. Opportunities for the metaverse will also be in online learning and government services. Discuss. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: ft.com

Why the question:

Big tech companies such as Meta, which owns Facebook, are throwing billions of dollars into developing their version of the metaverse – virtual spaces where we are all represented by 3D avatars or holographic versions of ourselves.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the various applications of metaverse.

Directive word: 

Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you have to debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You have to give reasons for both for and against arguments.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by explaining the concept of metaverse.


First, elaborate on the various components of the metaverse and its possible applications. Substantiate with examples.

Next, write about the potential applications of metaverse – Enhanced Social Media Experience, Business Communication & Optimized Productivity, Immersive Sales & Marketing, Futuristic Blockchain Applications and the Future of Entertainment.

Next, wsrite about how it revolutionize Online Education and role of metaverse in government services. Substantiate with examples.


End the answer with a way forward which summarises the need to make most of the opportunity of technology of metaverse.


General Studies – 4


Topic: Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators.

5. What does this quote means to you? (150 words)
“Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues.” ― John Locke

Difficulty level: Moderate

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 4 and part of ‘Quotes Wednesdays’ in Mission-2022 Secure.

Directive word: 

Structure of the answer:


Begin by explaining the quote in your word.


Mention how fortitude is a foundation on which all others virtues are practised. Mention without it all other virtues cannot practised especially in tough circumstances. Substantiate with examples.


Conclude by emphasising on the importance of fortitude.


Topic: Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators.

7.  What does this quote means to you? (150 words)
“Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.”

Difficulty level: Moderate

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 4 and part of ‘Quotes Wednesdays’ in Mission-2022 Secure.

Directive word: 

Structure of the answer:


Begin by explaining the quote in your word.


Write about the various ways to inculcate moral habits leading to moral way of life and moral excellences. It is out of practise that moral excellence is born. We need to practices morality and over period of time it becomes an habit.


Conclude by emphasising on the importance of developing a moral way of life.

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