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General Studies – 1
Reference: The Hindu
Why the question?
Celebration of World Population Day 2021
Key demand of the question: Greater reproductive rights for women in India and the challenges in ensuring this.
Comment: Here we have to express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.
Structure of the answer
Introduction: Give any relevant data pertaining to the question. Ex: Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in India or identify the essential aspects of what you understand by greater autonomy for women in terms of sexual and reproductive rights (Ex: Access to contraceptives, respect for bodily autonomy etc)
- Bring out the positive relationship between greater choice for women over their sexual and reproductive rights and how it will lead to a healthier and productive society. Ex: It will lead to stabilization of population growth further, will lead to reduction in Maternal Mortality rate brought about by early marriages etc
- Identify the challenges in our country preventing greater choice for women in this domain. Ex: Social norms.
- Suggest steps to overcome the challenges posed by social norms and any other challenges you might have identified in your answer.
Briefly highlight the urgency in ensuring we reach this goal. Ex: To meet the Sustainable development, women empowerment and inclusive growth in the society.
General Studies – 2
Reference: The Hindu
Why the question?
A slew of directives passed by the courts in India in recent times to alleviate the distress caused to migrant workers
Key demand of the question:
Judiciary’s effort in dealing with migrant woes since the pandemic hit
Throw light on various perspectives and present a logical argument.
Structure of the answer
Give any relevant data with regards to impact of pandemic induced lockdown on migrants in our country.
List out the various directives given by the courts in India to alleviate the distress. Ex: food and travel arrangements insisted on by the court, identity proof should not be insisted upon by the governments since the labourers might not be able to furnish it, court called upon the State governments to arrange transportation for workers who need to return to their homes etc
Briefly mention what systems are needed to be put in place to give effect to these guidelines
Reference: The Hindu
Why the question?
Death of activist Father Stan Swamy who was arrested under the provisions of the act
Key demand of the question:
Debate the necessity of the act in a democratic country such as India
Throw light on the negatives and positives in an objective and scientific manner
Structure of the answer
Mention the basic objective of the act in a brief manner
- List the essential features of the act in a precise manner.
- Debate the necessity of the act: Positives (to maintain public order, security and integrity of the country, to deal with emerging security challenges etc), Negatives (violation of doctrine of presumption of innocence, thwarting FR’s such as Right to speech, dilutes the democratic character of our country etc)
- Suggest ways to reduce the apprehensions caused by the act.
- Highlight any judgments given by the SC on this act or even recommendations made by committees or commissions such as Law Commission wherever necessary in this answer
Provide an opinion on this matter based on the arguments made by you.
Reference: The Hindu
Why the question?
Recent cabinet reshuffle
Key demand of the question:
Debating whether the government is adhering to ‘Minimum government-Maximum governance’ principle
Critically examine: When asked to ‘Examine’, we have to look into the topic (content words) in detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to the topic in question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are important and their implications. When ‘critically’ is suffixed or prefixed to a directive, one needs to look at the good and bad of the topic and give a fair judgment.
Structure of the answer
Define what you understand by ‘Minimum government-Maximum governance’ in a brief manner
- List out the various steps taken by the government to realize the goal: setting up of NITI AYOG, allocating similar ministries under one cabinet minister, combining various ministries with similarities, easing of compliance in various sectors, privatizing public sector enterprises etc
- List the areas where this has not been met: the size of the government is still large, quality of governance is still inadequate, delay in decision-making on crucial projects etc
- Suggest suitable way forward in this situation
Summarize the importance of Minimum government-maximum governance in the Indian scenario in a brief manner.
Reference: The Hindu , The Hindu
Why the question?
Pullout of US from Afghanistan
Key demand of the question:
Challenges brought about by the hasty pullout of USA from Afghanistan and the role of various regional players in ensuring peace in the region.
Throw light on various perspectives and present a logical argument.
Structure of the answer
Give detail about the presence of US in Afghanistan and its impact on the latter in a brief manner
- Give details of the US pullout and the consequences of this in the recent past (Ex: Increase in Taliban attacks on Afghan forces, weak position of Afghan government in dealing with this belligerence from Taliban)
- List the importance of preventing a civil war in the region from the perspective of all the regional countries involved with special focus on India.
- In the face of this situation, what role countries in the region should play to prevent a civil war? These countries should include- China, Pakistan, Russia, India etc
- The measures could include- initiating a dialogue process between Afghan government and Taliban and pushing for an earlier resolution, pressure on Taliban to rescind its violent moves in recent times, providing support to Afghan government etc
Summarize the role of regional players in ensuring peace in this region
General Studies – 3
Reference: The Hindu
Why the question?
Recent publication of Greenpeace report by Delhi Key demand of the question: Comprehensive strategy to combat the pollution caused by NO2 in the country
Throw light on various perspectives and present a logical argument.
Structure of the answer
Briefly highlight the data published in the report
- List the numerous sources in the society which is leading to rise in NO2. Ex: tobacco smoke and gas-, wood-, oil-, kerosene- and coal-burning appliances such as stoves, ovens, space and water heaters and fireplaces, particularly unflued or poorly maintained appliances, road traffic
- Highlight the various threats posed by NO2: Increased inflammation of the airways; Worsened cough and wheezing, reduced lung function; increased asthma attacks; and. greater likelihood of emergency department and hospital admissions.
- Suggest suitable strategies in tackling these threats fuel switching, fuel pre-treatment, combustion (or chemical process) modification, flue (or tail) gas Denitrification.
Highlight the urgency in preventing this pollution at the earliest. You can talk about any government programmes in this regard
General Studies – 4
Reference: Ethics
Why the question?
Rise in politics without principle in democracies world over.
Key demand of the question:
Comprehensively throw light on the declining quality of politics world over and suggesting solutions to overcome them
Detailed explanations
Structure of the answer
Highlight the importance of principles in the field of politics in a brief manner
- List the various instances where politics is practiced across the world without principles: US pullout of Afghanistan in a hasty manner, politicians giving their support to majoritarianism in their speeches (Hungary’s government stand on LGBT rights), coalition built in Israel with the sole purpose of keeping the ex-PM out of power, apathy towards minorities in their countries or on issues like refugee crisis and climate change etc
- List the factors fuelling this situation
- Suggest some measures to overcome them. You can quote any global or national examples in this regard here
Highlight the need to reverse this trend at the earliest.