India’s universities have always been bastions of ‘creativity’, ‘out of the box thinking’ and ‘ideological disruptions’. Discuss the issues marring the education campuses and suggest way forward. – INSIGHTSIAS


Topic: Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources. Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors and issues arising out of their design and implementation.

4. India’s universities have always been bastions of ‘creativity’, ‘out of the box thinking’ and ‘ideological disruptions’. Discuss the issues marring the education campuses and suggest way forward. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Difficult

Reference: The Hindu

Why the question:

Our once-great institutions of learning are beset by multiple crises – a financial crunch at the university level, a deficit in research opportunities for faculty, poor infrastructure and learning outcomes for students; with any protests hit hard by police brutality and campus repression.  

Key Demand of the question: 

To discuss the scenario of Indian Universities and higher education in general, the issues being faced and the way forward.

Directive word: 

Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you must debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You must give reasons for both for and against arguments.

Structure of the answer:


Begin with brief introduction on the current status of universities in India..


Discussion should include the following:

Give a brief on the current scenario on Universities.

Discuss the issues surrounding the higher education system in the country, what are the key challenges and suggest what needs to be done to overcome the same.

Explain what can be done to ensure they become hubs for creative thinking and innovation.


Conclude with way forward.


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