“In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics”. – Earl Warren. – INSIGHTSIAS


Topic: Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators;

6. What does this quote means to you? (150 words)

“In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics”. – Earl Warren.

Difficulty level: Difficult.

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 4 and part of ‘Quotes Wednesdays’ in Mission-2022 Secure.

Structure of the answer:


Start by giving a simple understanding of the meaning of the quote.


Mention the relationship between laws and ethics. Write that law needs a proper process and is support and supplemented by ethics. Write about law as a source of ethical guidance. Substantiate with examples.


Conclude by summarising.


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