Topic: Human Values – lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, reformers and administrators.
7. What does this quote means to you? (150 words)
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” -Gautama Buddha.
Difficulty level: Easy
Why the question: The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 4 and part of ‘Quotes Wednesdays’ in Mission-2022 Secure.
Directive word:
Structure of the answer:
Begin by explaining the quote in your word.
The sun sets, but we all know it will rise again in the morning. The moon rises when the sun sets and sets when the sun reappears. In other words, something that exists can be hidden for a certain period of time, but it will always reappear and the truth is the same. You can manipulate, distort the truth, hide it, but at some point, the truth will be known. Substantiate with examples.
Conclude by emphasising on the importance of leading a truthful life.