Enumerate the steps taken by India to tackle plastic pollution in the country. Do you think a legally binding global treaty on plastics and plastic pollution is the way forward? Critically examine. – INSIGHTSIAS


Topic: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.

5. Enumerate the steps taken by India to tackle plastic pollution in the country. Do you think a legally binding global treaty on plastics and plastic pollution is the way forward? Critically examine. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Down to Earth

Why the question:

The upcoming United Nations Environment Assembly presents an opportunity to the world to agree to a global treaty on plastics and plastic pollution, as per United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Key Demand of the question:

To write about India’s measures against plastic pollution and the need for a legally binding global treaty on plastics and plastic pollution.

Directive word: 

Critically examine – When asked to ‘Examine’, we have to look into the topic (content words) in detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to the topic in question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are important and their implications. When ‘critically’ is suffixed or prefixed to a directive, one needs to look at the good and bad of the topic and give a fair judgment.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by giving statistic about level of plastic in India and globally.


In the first part, write about measures taken by India – notified phasing out of selected single-use plastic items from July 1, 2022. It has also notified the draft EPR regulations in the subcontinent, which focus on collection targets, recycling targets, reuse and use of recycled content in packaging etc.

Next, write about the pros and cons of having a legally binding global treaty on plastics and plastic pollution,


Conclude by writing a balanced opinion on legally binding global treaty on plastics and plastic pollution.


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