Topic: Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests.
4. India’s Indo-Pacific strategy has acquired political and institutional traction in recent years. Now it is time for India to develop a “Eurasian” policy, that will also complement its Indo-Pacific strategy. Discuss. (250 words)
Difficulty Level: Moderate
Reference: Indian Express
Why the question:
Recent consultations in Delhi on the crisis in Afghanistan among the region’s top security policymakers, following the US withdrawal, was part of developing a Eurasian strategy.
Key Demand of the question:
Write about India’s strategy towards Indo-pacific and the need to develop a similar strategy for Eurasian region.
Directive word:
Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you must debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them.
Structure of the answer:
Start your answer by talking about India’s Indo-Pacific strategy and the need to develop a similar strategy for Eurasian region.
Talk about the international understanding of the region. Mention that If the Indo-Pacific is about Delhi’s new maritime geopolitics, Eurasia involves the recalibration of India’s continental strategy.
China’s dominance in the region.
Talk about the integrated approach to Eurasia, India’s Eurasian policy must involve greater engagement with both the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.
Conclude with a way forward and what lies for India in cooperation with Eurasia.