G20 Energy and Climate Meet


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G20 Energy and Climate Meet

Part of: GS Prelims and GS -III – Climate change

In news At the recent G20 Climate Meet, India urged the group having per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions above the global average to bring it down to the world average, thereby vacating ‘some’ carbon space for developing nations.

  • This will support the developmental aspirations of the developing nations.
  • Presently, Italy holds the G20 Presidency and the Climate Meet is being seen as a prelude to the UN Climate Change COP 26 meeting in Glasgow, Scotland in November 2021.

What is India’s Stand?

  • There is a need to cut absolute emissions rapidly while taking into account the Paris Agreement which emphasized on Respective historical responsibilities, Delivery of promised climate finance and technologies at low cost keeping in perspective per capita emissions, etc.
  • India noted the pledges made by some countries to achieve Net Zero GHG emissions (Carbon Neutrality) by or around 2050 which may not be adequate to prevent fast depleting available carbon space.
  • It stressed on Common but Differentiated Responsibilities (CBDR) to combat climate change.
  • Mentioned its plans of implementing various initiatives under Urban Climate Action.

What are India’s initiatives under Urban Climate Action?

  • Climate Smart Cities Assessment Framework (CSCAF): It intends to inculcate a climate-sensitive approach to urban planning and development in India.
  • National Mission on Sustainable Habitat is one of the eight missions under national climate change action plan and aims to make cities sustainable through improvements in energy efficiency in buildings, management of solid waste & shift to public transport.
  • Climate Practitioners India Network (CPIN): It is first-of-its-kind network developed by Climate Centre for Cities (C-Cube) to support Cities and Practitioners across India.
  • Urban Forestry: The government of India in 2020 launched the Nagar Van Scheme. The Nagar Van (Urban Forests) aims to develop 200 Urban Forests across the country in the next five years.

Do you know?

  • Carbon neutrality: A balance between emitting carbon and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere in carbon sinks.
  • Carbon space: The amount of CO2 that can be put into the atmosphere without this leading to a level of warming that can be considered dangerous or otherwise undesirable.

News Source: TH


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