Topic: Linkages between development and spread of extremism.
7. What is the linkage between development and spread of extremism? Illustrate with examples. (250 words)
Reference: idsa.in
Why the question:
The question is from the static portions of GS paper III.
Key Demand of the question:
One is expected to throw light upon the linkage between development and spread of extremism with suitable illustrations.
Illustrate – A similar instruction to ‘explain’ whereby you are asked to show the workings of something, making use of definite examples and statistics if appropriate to add weight to your explanation.
Structure of the answer:
Start with what you understand by extremism.
Left Wing Extremism or Naxalism (as it called in India, because of its origin from a village called Naxalbari in West Bengal) is an ideology based on far left radical thoughts. It drives its thoughts from communism and emphasizes advancement of people’s social and economic life by establishing classless society through armed revolution.
Discuss briefly the Genesis and evolution of extremism in India.
Then explain the linkage between development and spread of extremism; underdevelopment often creates the conditions for insurgency and spread of extremist ideologies among the people, who perceive that their needs are not being taken care of by the government. While it has been the policy of governments around the world today to emphasize on “inclusive development”, there are always groups in every state who feel alienated because they perceive that they are left out of the developmental efforts. Such perceptions coupled with inefficient and corrupt governance create an ideal condition for extremism and militancy.
Suggest solutions to address these concerns.
Point at the policies and programmes in this direction.
Conclude with way forward.