Gs Paper-3
Syllabus: Energy
Niti Aayog has released a report that says hydrogen can substantially spur industrial decarbonisation and economic growth for India in the coming decades and highlights the steps India can take to get there.
The report says:
- Status: Hydrogen demand could fourfold by 2050 (nearly 10% of global demand)
- Decarbonisation: Green hydrogen is crucial for sectors such as fertilizers, refining, methanol, maritime shipping etc.
- India needs to form Green Hydrogen Corridors: Three hydrogen corridors should be developed across the country based on state grand challenges
- Governments provide grants to startups as well as support entrepreneurs to promote green hydrogen
- Facilitate investment through demand aggregation and dollar-based bidding for green hydrogen.
- Promote export of green hydrogen and green hydrogen-embedded products through a global hydrogen alliance.
- Make green hydrogen competitive vis-à-vis grey hydrogen
- Encourage market developmentg. using the industrial cluster, and viability gap funding.
- Initiate Green Hydrogen standards and a labelling programme
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Government Measures:
- National Hydrogen Energy Board (2003): implement and monitor the National Hydrogen Energy Road Map and the National Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Programme
- National Hydrogen Energy Roadmap (2006): provide a blueprint for hydrogen energy development in the country
- High-level steering committee: Under the chairmanship of Dr K. Kasturirangan for Hydrogen and Fuel cells.
- Mission Innovation: It is a global initiative to accelerate global clean energy innovation.
- Ministry of Power (MoP) Green Hydrogen Policy (GHP): The policy has set a target of 5 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of green hydrogen production by 2030, more than 80% of the current hydrogen demand in the country.
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Practice Questions
Q. Harnessing green hydrogen’s potential will play a key role in tackling critical energy challenges and also in ensuring non-fossil fuel-based energy. Discuss. (250 words)
Green Hydrogen
Definition: Green Hydrogen/ Green Ammonia is defined as hydrogen/ ammonia produced by way of electrolysis of water using renewable energy, including renewable energy which has been banked and the hydrogen/ammonia produced from biomass.
Opportunities for India:
- Indian firms such as NTPC Ltd, Indian Oil Corporation, Acme Solar, Reliance Industries and Adani Group and Greenko are looking at hydrogen as a new business opportunity for extracting energy.
- India has a huge edge in green hydrogen productionowing to its favorable geographic conditions and presence of abundant natural elements.
- Cheap renewable energy tariffs:India will become a net exporter of green hydrogen by 2030 due to its cheap renewable energy tariffs.
- Hydrogen FCEV (Fuel Cell electric vehicles) are comparatively better than battery electric vehicles, this will reduce India’s demand for rare earth metals used for manufacturing batteries for electric vehicles.
- Can help in reducing India’s current account deficit by reducing import dependency on fossil fuels
- Helps tackling uncertainty in Global energy markets. E.G recent coal crisis hindering power generation.
Introducing H-CNG as an intermittent technology in a big way for both automotive and domestic cooking applications
Source: Business Standards