EDITORIAL ANALYSIS: Malnutrition in India is a worry in a modern scenario – INSIGHTSIAS


Total fertility rate (TFR)

●    It is the average number of children born to a woman in her reproductive years (15-49 years).

●    It is released by the Union Health Ministry.

●    The total fertility rate (TFR) is an important factor in determining the population growth and demographic stability of a country.

●    Total fertility rate (TFR) has declined from 2.2 (reported in 2015-16) to 2.0 at the all- India level, according to the latest National Family Health Survey of India(NFHS- 5).

Replacement Level Fertility

●    Replacement level fertility is the level of fertility at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next, i.e., the level of fertility needed to keep the population the same from generation to generation.

United Nations Population Fund(UNPF)

●    It is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency.

●    The organization was created in 1969, the same year the United Nations General Assembly declared “parents have the exclusive right to determine freely and responsibly the number and spacing of their children.”

●    UNFPA’s mission is to deliver a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

●    The United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) Flagship State of World Population Report 2021 titled ‘My Body is My Own’ was launched.


Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA)

●    ASHA is a trained female community health activist.

●    Selected from the community itself and accountable to it, the ASHA will be trained to work as an interface between the community and the public health system.

●    The role of an ASHA is that of a community level care provider.

●    This includes a mix of tasks like:

1.     Facilitating access to healthcare services

2.     Building awareness about health care entitlements especially amongst the poor and marginalized

3.     Promoting healthy behaviors and mobilizing for collective action for better health outcomes

4.     Meeting curative care needs as appropriate to the organization of service delivery in that area and compatible with her training and skills.


Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Devices (IUCD)

●    Copper containing IUCDs are a highly effective method for long term birth spacing.

●    Should not be used by women with uterine anomalies or women with active PID or those who are at increased risk of STI/RTI (women with multiple partners).

●    The acceptor needs to return for follow-up visit after 1, 3 and 6 months of IUCD insertion as the expulsion rate is highest in this duration.

●    Two types:

1.    Cu IUCD 380A (10 yrs)

2.    Cu IUCD 375 (5 yrs)


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