[ VIDEO ] Essay Perspectives (12th June 2022) : That which hurts, instructs. That which instructs, creates; Creates Wonders! – INSIGHTSIAS


In this Video, Mr. DK Balaji , IAS, Rank 36 CSE 2014 has given Essay perspectives for the following topic- That which hurts, instructs. That which instructs, creates; Creates Wonders!


Balaji DK, IAS has come a long way in the arena of Civil Services, both as a steadfast student and also an able administrator. He has been guiding students and IAS aspirants by adding value to their preparation in the best possible way. His book on Ethics – ” Hand that rocks the cradle rules the world” has been embraced whole-heartedly by thousands of aspirants.

Watch the video to get an idea about how to approach this essay and what different dimensions can be brought to the essay.



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