New Development Bank (NDB): – INSIGHTSIAS


GS Paper 2:

Syllabus: Important International institutions, agencies and fora, their structure, mandate.



New Development Bank (NDB) is setting up a regional office in Gujarat, India for funding and monitoring infrastructure projects in that country and Bangladesh.


About NDB:

It is a multilateral development bank operated by the BRICS states (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

  • It was agreed to by BRICS leaders at the 5th BRICS summit held in Durban, South Africa in 2013.
  • It was launched in 2015, at the 6th BRICS Summit at Fortaleza, Brazil.
  • The bank is set up to foster greater financial and development cooperation among the five emerging markets.
  • Headquartered in Shanghai, China.

In 2018, the NDB received observer status in the United Nations General Assembly, establishing a firm basis for active and fruitful cooperation with the UN.



Unlike the World Bank, which assigns votes based on capital share, in the New Development Bank each participant country will be assigned one vote, and none of the countries will have veto power.


Roles and functions:

The Bank will mobilise resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS and other emerging economies and developing countries, to supplement existing efforts of multilateral and regional financial institutions for global growth and development.


Insta Links:

Prelims Link:

  1. NDB- members and voting powers.
  2. Where it can invest?
  3. Which are the NDB funded projects in India?
  4. Fortaleza declaration is related to?
  5. When was NDB established?
  6. NDB vs World Bank vs AIIB.

Mains Link:

Discuss the objectives and significance of NDB.


[Q.6) Consider the following statements regarding the New Development Bank:

    1. It was agreed to by BRICS leaders at the 5th BRICS summit held in Durban, South Africa in 2013.
    2. It was launched in 2015, at the 6th BRICS Summit at Fortaleza, Brazil.

Choose the correct answer using the codes given below:

    1. 1 Only
    2. 2 only
    3. Both
    4. None. ]

Sources: Reuters.


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