Low wheat procurement – causes and effects: – INSIGHTSIAS


GS Paper 3:

Topics Covered: Major crops cropping patterns in various parts of the country.



Wheat procurement by government agencies is set to dip to a 15-year low in the current marketing season, from an all-time high scale last year.



  • Likely procurement this time: The 18.5 million tonnes (mt).
  • This would be the first time that wheat procured from the new crop (18.5 mt) is less than the public stocks at the start of the marketing season (19 mt).
  • This is also a 15-year-low. This is the lowest since the 11.1 mt bought in 2007-08.


Current Affairs


Why is there low wheat procurement this year?

  • Rise in export demand: Mainly fuelled by Russia – Ukraine war. The war has led to skyrocketing prices and a further increase in demand for Indian grain. Farmers find it more profitable to export now.
  • Lower production: The sudden spike in temperatures from the second half of March — when the crop was in the grain-filling stage, with the kernels still accumulating starch, protein and other dry matter — has taken a toll on yields.


Impact on availability:

  • This would affect the minimum operational stock-cum-strategic reserve of government agencies.
  • This would also affect the public distribution system, midday meals and other regular welfare schemes.


Will farmers benefit?

Farmers will certainly benefit from the scenario as they are being offered a price above the MSP. Amid the Russia-Ukraine crisis, new markets in countries like Israel, Egypt, Tanzania and Mozambique have opened up for India.

  • However, on the other hand, if private traders continue to buy above MSP, eventually that could stoke inflation.


About Wheat:

  • This is the second most important cereal crop in India after rice.
  • Wheat is a rabi crop that requires a cool growing season and bright sunshine at the time of ripening.
  • Temperature: Between 10-15°C (Sowing time) and 21-26°C (Ripening & Harvesting) with bright sunlight.
  • Rainfall: Around 75-100 cm.
  • Soil Type: Well-drained fertile loamy and clayey loamy (Ganga-Satluj plains and black soil region of the Deccan).


Factors leading to increase in Wheat cultivation in India:

  • Success of the Green Revolution contributed to the growth of Rabi crops, especially wheat.
  • Macro Management Mode of Agriculture, National Food Security Mission and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana are few government initiatives to support wheat cultivation.


Insta Curious:

Did you know that India is the second-largest producer of wheat in the world, with China being the top producer and Russia the third-largest — Ukraine is the world’s eighth-largest producer of wheat?



Prelims Link:

  1. Wheat cultivation in India.
  2. Wheat Production in India.
  3. Top Wheat producing States.
  4. About Wheat crop.
  5. Schemes for wheat cultivation.
  6. Green revolution.


Try this Question:

Identify the crop based on the information given below:

  1. This is the second most important cereal crop in India after rice.
  2. It is a rabi crop.
  3. It needs a rainfall of around 75-100 cm.
  4. Well-drained fertile loamy and clayey loamy soil is needed.

Choose the correct answer:

  1. Rice.
  2. Wheat.
  3. Sugarcane.
  4. None of the above. 

Sources: Indian Express.


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