ESSAY SYNOPSIS : The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, while wiser people are so full of doubts – INSIGHTSIAS



Insights Weekly Essay Challenges 2022 – Week 73 : The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are so certain of themselves, while wiser people are so full of doubts


Note: This is a mere outline to get you to start thinking about the topic. This is not a synopsis or a model essay. Just brainstorming. We’re eager to read your essays! Please post them in the comments. 




It’s a quote by Bertrand Russell. Explain the context in which it was said. Mention that the Nobel Prize in Literature 1950 was awarded to Bertrand Russell “in recognition of his varied and significant writings in which he champions humanitarian ideals and freedom of thought.


Para 1: 

Talk about the state of the world today- the people (personalities), various events in the domestic & international arena in various different spheres (international relations, governance, environment, technological arena, etc) that illustrate the topic – where fools are certain of themselves but the wiser ones are filled with doubts. Don’t go into the specifics – just give a broad picture here.


Para 2: 

Let’s start delving into the specifics now.

Define a fanatic. Cambridge dictionary defines a fanatic as “a person who has very extreme beliefs that may lead them to believe in unreasonable or violent ways.” Example: a religious fanatic. “A person whose strong admiration for something is extreme & unreasonable.” E.g.: a fitness fanatic or a sycophant.

Give examples of such scenarios in today’s world.

Define who is considered as wise & talk about the reason they’re wise is that they are aware that nothing is certain. They are open to multifarious thoughts & events. They do not draw a final conclusion about anything with 100% certainty.


Explain cognitive bias.

Explain The Dunning-Kruger effect occurs when a person’s lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own competence. By contrast, this effect also causes those who excel in a given area to think the task is simple for everyone, and underestimate their relative abilities as well.


Para 3:

Elaborate why fools & fanatics who are certain about themselves are a danger to the society. Why are they a problem? How does it affect the home/family, society, nation & the world? Elaborate why the wise are an asset to the society ad how their open-mindedness is beneficial to all.


Para 4: 

Let’s explain one by one.


Describe the type of fanatics found in this realm. The people who have blind & extreme admiration for a party, a political leader or an ideology. How are they a threat to the society? What are the consequences? Elaborate with examples.

Personality cults, dictatorships. 

Contrast it with how the wise think & behave. They are prudent & know that humans & man-made ideologies, political parties are fallible & should be open to constant improvements. They employ logical reasoning.

Substantiate with examples.



Para 5:


Religious fanatics harbor extreme beliefs which may have disastrous consequences for a society. Violence, communalism, creation of a divisive society: are just a few of the terrible consequences. Following somebody’s extreme preaching or an illogical set of rules without due diligence & reasoning can harm society.

Give examples.  Echo chamber. 

Contrast it with how the wise view religion. Give examples.


Para 6:


Cultural absolutism vs. cultural relativism.

Cultural pluralism

Social morality vs. constitutional morality.

Contrast fanatics & the wise.

Racism.Give examples.

Quote Gandhiji I do not want my house to be walled in on all sides and my windows to be stuffed. I want the cultures of all lands to be blown about my house as freely as possible. But I refuse to be blown off my feet by any.”


Para 7:


How is the education system designed? Is it designed to arouse curiosity & question dogmas? Does it encourage critical thinking? How do we improve it? Growth mindset. Be open to new things. Contrast fools & the wise – their approaches to education. Give examples.


Para 8:


Fanatics who blindly admire leaders & follow their diktats.

Ethnic or racial supremacists. White supremacy/racism/ethnocentrism.

Jingoism or patriotic fanaticism.

How do they negatively influence the society & the world? Give examples.

Contrast it with how the wise are pragmatic and reasonable about such issues.

Importance of human rights & freedom of thought. Give examples.


Para 9:


Explain how it constantly evolves & changes. Always open to new inputs. Disruption is the norm. Fools/fanatics vs. the Wise. Give examples. Anchoring bias. 


Para 10:


Can fanaticism have a good side too? Are there any benefits?

Environmental fanatics?

Contrast the thinking & the approaches of the fools & the wise. Salience bias. 


Para 11:


Bandwagon effect. Group think.

Quacks, false beliefs, how they harm the society.

Exercise fanatics.

Anti-vax movement.

Contrast fools & the wise. Give examples.


Para 12:


Bandwagon effect. 

Fandoms, worship of stars, switching allegiance when they don’t perform, fights between fandoms.

Difference in approaches between the fools & the wise. The wise view it as a form of entertainment & know that winning & losing are a part of sports.


Please let your creativity & analysis flow. Include more dimensions with examples. 


Yeats: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”


“Mankind is made of two kinds of people: wise people who know they’re fools, and fools who think they are wise.” -Socrates


“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.” Plato


Para 13:


Conclude by saying that freedom of speech & thought are of primary importance.

Voltaire defending the freedom of speech : “I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

But there must be a balance. Freedom should not be misused. Being open to new streams of thoughts is extremely beneficial. Change is the only constant. One must not try to impose one’s beliefs & convictions on others.

Explain how the world will benefit if everybody is open to new insights. There is always something new to learn. Give a positive & holistic conclusion.



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