Emotional intelligence is about being aware of how emotions affect your communication and even leveraging human emotions to make yourself more persuasive. Explain. – INSIGHTSIAS


Topic: Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities and application in administration and governance.

7. Emotional intelligence is about being aware of how emotions affect your communication and even leveraging human emotions to make yourself more persuasive. Explain. (150 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude by Lexicon Publications.

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 4 and part of ‘Conceptual Tuesdays’ in Mission-2022 Secure.

Key Demand of the question:

to develop a link between emotional intelligence and persuasion.


Explain – Clarify the topic by giving a detailed account as to how and why it occurred, or what is the context. You must be defining key terms wherever appropriate and substantiate with relevant associated facts.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by defining emotional intelligence (EI).


First mention the role of EI in – perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions, and managing emotions.

Next, link the emotional aspect of EI with communication and persuasion – attempting to influence an outcome or followers using – authority, consistency and commitment, liking and reciprocity/reciprocation etc.


Complete the answer by stressing on the implications for leaders and employers in understanding the importance of interpersonal relationships in the organizational context.


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