Insights into Editorial: Realising the potential of ‘maitri’ and ‘mateship’ – INSIGHTSIAS




Australia is celebrating India’s 75 years of Independence by making the largest single investment in our bilateral relationship.

We do so because Australia and India share a long and special relationship, one we are now working together to make even stronger.

On March 21, the two Prime Ministers held their Virtual Summit and took stock of the remarkable pace we are implementing the Australia-India Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

To drive closer cooperation and regularly review relations, the Prime Ministers also established an Annual Summit mechanism.


Deep histories between two countries:

  1. We are natural partners because we are each ancient and modern countries and cultures, vibrant and full of energy and optimism.
  2. Australia recognizes the depth and diversity of India’s magnificent culture. We know the importance of connection to history.
  3. Like India, Australia’s story stretches back tens of thousands of years.
    1. Australia’s Indigenous peoples are custodians of the oldest continuing civilisation in the world: which is why the Australian government was delighted to return 29 culturally significant artefacts to the people of India this month.
  4. Even our words for friendship have a similar ring: India says maitri, Australians say mateship.
  5. Both stand for respect, understanding and equality. Friends looking out for each other.


Virtual meeting reinforced the warmth and close bonds:

Since India and Australia elevated our relationship in 2020, we have advanced practical actions on cyber and critical technologies, maritime affairs, defence ties, economic and business links and Quadrilateral cooperation.

The Virtual Summit marked another milestone as our Prime Ministers announced a range of tangible and practical initiatives spanning the breadth of our shared economic, strategic, and regional interests.

These initiatives are an investment into the promise and potential of our nations. They address the most pressing challenges and opportunities of our time.

Because when it comes to friendship, we know actions speak louder than words.

Together, we are harnessing the technology, the talent, and the trading spirit of our people to deliver resilience, prosperity, and security. Together, we are focused on the future.


Technology and research:

  1. India and Australia are working on a new and renewable energy partnership, to support the development of technologies such as green hydrogen and ultra-low cost solar.
  2. India and Australia are also supporting research and investment to unlock Australian critical minerals for Indian advanced manufacturing.
  3. We will boost collaboration on innovation, science and entrepreneurship, to scale up ideas that address global challenges.
  4. We are also increasing investments into our countries’ rapidly growing space sectors.
  5. And we are establishing the Australia-India Centre of Excellence for Critical and Emerging Technology Policy — and a Consulate-General — in Bengaluru.
  6. Our governments know that resilience relies on strong economies.
  7. We have made significant inroads on negotiations on a deal that will open new two-way trade and investment opportunities, build more secure supply chains, and unlock our complementary economies, increasing the flow of goods, services and people.


On Defence Cooperation:

  1. Participation of Australia in Exercise Malabar.
    1. After the Ladakh confrontation, India extended the invitation to Australia and an Australian contingent participated in the 2020 Malabar exercises.
  2. Various bilateral defence cooperation initiatives like AUSINDEX, Mutual Logistic Support Arrangement (MLSA) and Defence Science & Technology Implementing Arrangement (DSTIA) were reviewed.
    1. Expressed an intent to convene the 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue at the earliest.
  3. 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue is a format of dialogue where the defense and foreign ministers meet with their counterparts from another country. It is the highest-level institutional mechanism between the two countries.


Focus on Students, Information sharing and Operational cooperation:

  1. We are investing in India’s talented young people through our new Future Skills Initiative between education and training providers and industry.
  2. This complements the Australian government’s significant new Maitri scholarships and fellowships, giving Indian students and researchers the chance to experience Australia’s world class education system.
  3. Australians value highly the Indian diaspora and student contributions to our community whether economic, social, or cultural.
  4. Prime Minister Morrison announced a dedicated Centre for Australia-India Relations to deepen that friendship between our communities.
  5. Australia and India are also working to ensure a peaceful and stable region.
  6. We are each committed to a free and open Indo-Pacific. We are advancing our cooperation all the way from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific Islands.
  7. Last month we announced initiatives to enhance Australia’s engagement in the Northeast Indian Ocean in support of India’s natural leadership.
  8. In our defence relationship, we are enhancing information sharing and operational cooperation.
  9. Such arrangements also help us continue delivering quality humanitarian support to the region, seen recently when India helped Australia’s Pacific family, Tonga and Kiribati.
  10. These investments in our strategic, economic, and community ties show what we can achieve when two multicultural democracies join in a spirit of trust and understanding.
  11. Australia knows that in India we have a natural partner who will help build a region where every nation can prosper.
  12. We are closer than ever and our transformational commitments and collaborations will continue to bring us together. We are realising the potential of our maitri and mateship.



We share strategic interests in Asia, our economies are highly complementary, the values are closely aligned.

We both value democracy, liberty, the rule of law, human rights and freedom of expression.

We are both maritime nations for whom regional stability is of paramount importance.

And this is recognised by the expansive agenda set out in our Framework for Security Cooperation.


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