With the Gupta period India entered upon the classical phase of sculpture. By the efforts of the centuries, techniques of art were perfected, definite types were evolved, and ideals of beauty were formulated with precision. Discuss. (250 words) – INSIGHTSIAS


6. With the Gupta period India entered upon the classical phase of sculpture, By the efforts of the centuries, techniques of art were perfected, definite types were evolved, and ideals of beauty were formulated with precision. Discuss. (250 words)

Reference: New Indian Express


The Gupta dynasty is an important dynasty which ruled ancient India between 4th century to 6th century. They have left amazing examples of their glorious reign which has been called the ‘Golden era’ of India’s history. During their rule art, sculpture, inventions, philosophy, mathematics and literature has flourished.

Gupta sculpture seems to belong to a sphere that is entirely different. The Gupta artist seems to have been working for a higher ideal. A new orientation in the attitude towards art is noticed in the attempt to establish a closer harmony between art and thought, between the outer forms and the inner intellectual and spiritual conception of the people.


Salient features of Gupta Sculpture

  • The human figure, taken as the image, is the pivot of Gupta sculpture. A new canon of beauty is evolved leading to the emergence of a new aesthetic ideal.
  • This ideal is based upon an explicit understanding of the human body in its inherent softness and suppleness.
  • The soft and pliant body of the Gupta sculpture with its smooth and shining texture, facilitates free and easy movement
  • Gupta sculptures are characterized by elaborate draperies, jewellery, etc.
  • The wet or transparent clinging drapery hence became the fashion of this age. But the sensuous effect of these draperies especially in the case of female figures was restrained by a conscious moral sense, and nudity as a rule was eliminated from Gupta sculpture.
  • The magnificent red sandstone image of the Buddha from Mathurais a most remarkable example of Gupta workmanship datable to the 5th century A.D. The great Master, in all his sublimity, is here shown standing with his right hand in Abhayamudraassuring protection, and the left holding the hem of the garment.
  • The smiling countenance with down-cast eyes is robed in spiritual ecstasy. The robe covering both shoulders is skillfullyrepresented with delicately covered schematic folds and clings to the body. The head is covered with schematic spiral curls with a central protuberance and the elaborate halo decorated with concentric bands of graceful ornamentation.

Highlights of Gupta Sculpture

  • The Gupta sculptural style probably grew out of the Kushan style that survived at Mathura.
  • The Buddha images at Sarnath reflect serenity and contentment mirroring the religious atmosphere of the age. This practice of carving images was picked up by Hinduism also.
  • A great example of Gupta sculpture created at Sarnath is that of the seated Buddha preaching the Law, carved of Chunar sandstone.
  • The Gupta craftsmen distinguished themselves by their work in iron and bronze.
  • Bronze images of the Buddha began to be produced on a considerable scale because of the knowledge the smiths had of advanced metal technology.
  • With regard to iron objects, the best example is the iron pillar found at Mehrauli in Delhi.
  • A remarkable piece of Gupta metal-casting found at Sultanganj in Bihar is nearly feet high. Another metal figure but of a smaller size in bronze was found in U.P.
  • A group of small ivory images of Buddhas and Bodhisattavas founding the Kashmri area are prime examples of late Gupta art from about the eighth century.


The cultural creativity of the Golden Age of India produced magnificent architecture, including palaces and temples, as well as sculptures and paintings of the highest quality. The Gupta Dynasty promoted Hinduism, but supported Buddhist and Jain cultures as well. Gupta Buddhist art influenced East and Southeast Asia as trade between regions increased. The Gupta Empire became an important cultural center and influenced nearby kingdoms and regions in Burma, Sri Lanka, and Southeast Asia. Classical forms of Indian music and dance, created under the Guptas, are still practiced all over Asia today.


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