[MISSION 2022] SECURE 2022 : Daily UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice: 3 February 2022 – INSIGHTSIAS




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General Studies – 1


Topic: Effect of Globalization on Indian Society

1. Discuss the various implications of using digital currencies on Indian Society? (250 Words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Live Mint

Why the question:

The Reserve Bank of India will start issuing digital currency from 2022-23, a move that will provide an impetus to India’s digital economy. A similar type of question was asked in UPSC Mains this year.

Key Demand of the question:

To explain about CBDC, the technology behind it, its potential benefits and challenges from the societal point of view


Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you have to debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You have to give reasons for both for and against arguments.

 Structure of the answer:


Start by explaining the emerging concept of central bank digital currency (CBDC)


In the first part, in brief, write about the technology behind CBDC – Blockchain giving rise to secure digital instruments.

Next, write about potential benefits that society can accrue from CBDC. financial inclusion, the cashless society, decrease the cost of printing, expanding the digital economy and empowering citizens, etc.

Next, write about potential challenges with regard to CBDC. User adoption, security, complexity, domination by Chinese and Opportunity cost due to RBI’s reluctance, etc.


Conclude with the way forward as to how India should step up to CBDC.


General Studies – 2


Topic: Pressure Groups and formal/informal associations and their role in the Polity.

2. Pressure Groups play a pivotal role, in influencing policy making in India? Discuss (150 Words)

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Reference: Polity by M. Laxmikanth

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 2 and mentioned as part of Mission-2022 Secure timetable

Key Demand of the question:

The importance of Pressure groups in India

Directive word:

Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you have to debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You have to give reasons for both for and against arguments.

Structure of the answer:


Brief on Pressure groups in India


First, mention the techniques that pressure groups resort to in influencing policies

Then, mention how Pressure groups influence policy making in India


A relevant closing statement


Topic: Citizens Charters, Transparency & Accountability and institutional and other measures.

3. It is said that Good Governance is the Technology whereas Citizen’s Charter is the Tool for citizen centricity. Highlighting the statement, discuss how Citizen Charter could be a game-changer in governance in India. (250 Words)

Difficulty Level: Moderate

Reference: Insights on India

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 2 and mentioned as part of Mission-2022 Secure timetable

Key Demand of the question:

The importance of Citizen charters in Governance in India

Directive word:

Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you have to debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You have to give reasons for both for and against arguments.

Structure of the answer:


Define Citizen Charters, and mention the basic aspects related to it


First, elaborate on the statement in question

Then, mention How Governance can be made Citizen Centric?

Further, mention How Citizen Charter could be a game-changer to bring about citizen-centric governance in India?

Lastly, mention why the Charters have not been successful in bringing about Good Governance in India.


A relevant closing statement


Topic: Governor— Functioning, Powers & Privileges and Issues Arising out of these.

4. The role of the governor is of a sagacious counsellor, mediator and arbitrator rather than that of an active politician. Comment. (250 Words)

 Difficulty Level: Moderate

Reference: The Hindu

Why the question:

Controversies regarding the role of the Governor in the Indian political system have constantly been in News.

Key Demand of the question:

Role of Governor

Directive word:

Comment– here we have to express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.

 Structure of the answer:


Give a brief background and constitutional provisions related to Governor.


Enumerate the constitutional duty of the Governor and whether they have been holding it. Mention the issues of the tussle between the governor and elected government e.g. in West Bengal, Maharastra, Delhi, Tamil Nadu.

Then bring out the suggestions for making the relationship between the two constitutional organs harmonious.


Give a way forward about the need to rise above the politics, and uphold the constitutional values and principles.


General Studies – 3


Topic: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.

5. Despite the rising carbon footprint of Digital technologies, the same technologies are likely to be crucial to any move to a low-carbon world. Elaborate (250 words)

Difficulty level: MOderate

Reference:  Indian Express

Why the question:

Digital Technologies have a high carbon footprint but the link is understudied.

Key Demand of the question:

The carbon cost of digital use and how the same technology is important for carbon reduction aims.

Directive word: 

Elaborate – Give a detailed account as to how and why it occurred, or what is the particular context. You must be defining key terms where ever appropriate, and substantiate them with relevant associated facts.

Structure of the answer:


Give an overview of how digital technologies such as AI have a carbon cost.


Enumerate various ways in which digital technologies create a carbon footprint. Give, data/examples to support your answer. E.g. in 2020, digital technologies accounted for between 1.8 percent and 6.3 per cent of global emissions.

Next, write about the various digital technologies being used to offset carbon emissions. E.g. use of zoom calls and meetings has reduced the traveling cost and time.


Give a balanced view about the use of digital technologies but in an environmentally sustainable way.


General Studies – 4


Topic: Emotional intelligence: Concepts of emotional intelligence

6. ‘Self-denial’ is at the core of many problems that one faces both in their personal and professional lives in the present times. Discuss. (15M)

Thursday: Abstract questions based on current events

Why the question?

Rising cases of unhappiness amongst individuals in the society in recent times; particularly in the case of India which has performed badly in the Gross Happiness Index in recent times.

Structure of the answer


You can define the term self-denial briefly in the introduction, along with that list of some problems (anxiety, depression, unhappiness) faced by individuals in the society in their professional and personal lives.


  • Highlight the connection between self-denial and problems we face in our lives. Ex: Inability to acknowledge and face challenges results in anxiety amongst individuals.
  • You can quote more such examples from both professional and personal lives
  • Identify the reasons for the rise in this scenario
  • Suggest some measures to deal with this situation adequately.


Conclude with any quote or teachings from the lives of leaders, reformers, or philosophers, in this context.


Topic: Ethics and Human interface: The essence of ethics, determinants, and consequences of ethics in human interactions.

7. “Morality which does not evolve with time becomes an outdated, obsolete and a burdensome dogma”. Critically analyze (10M)

Why the question?

Perpetuation of age-old morality creates problems in society, you can keep in mind issues such as abortion rights for women, same-sex marriage, etc.

Structure of the answer


You can define the terms morality and dogma in the introduction in a brief manner.


  • Give examples of age-old morality that you think is impeding progress in society. Ex: religious morality related to caste, the status of women as per the scriptures, same-sex marriage, etc.
  • Give reasons as to why there is a difficulty in changing such regressive morality in society.
  • Suggest some ways to tackle this situation
  • Age-old morality is not always wrong or outdated- you should justify this argument by quoting relevant examples. (Ex: respect for collective welfare, selfless service, etc.)
  • Note: Make sure you explore relevant dimensions in the answer without giving more emphasis to just a few since the keyword in the question is ‘critically analyze’.


Briefly suggest a way to balance the morality as to the needs of the time in a sustainable and effective manner.

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