[MISSION 2022] SECURE 2022 : Daily UPSC Mains Answer Writing Practice: 28 January 2022 – INSIGHTSIAS




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General Studies – 1


Topic: Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclone etc., geographical features and their location-changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.

1.  Evaluate the status of ground water depletion in the major first green revolution regions. Suggest steps to prevent over exploitation of ground water in those regions. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Down to Earth

Why the question:

Groundwater depletion in Punjab has been a growing concern. The groundwater level in most parts of the state has fallen to dangerous levels.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the extent of ground water depletion and measures needed to prevent it.

Directive word: 

Evaluate – When you are asked to evaluate, you have to pass a sound judgement about the truth of the given statement in the question or the topic based on evidence.  You must appraise the worth of the statement in question. There is scope for forming an opinion here.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by developing a link between green revolution and Groundwater depletion


First, with relevant statistics, mention to what extent ground has depleted in the regions. Write about the causes and impact of the same.

Next, write about various steps that are needed to further prevent over exploitation and to ensure recharging and rejuvenation of ground water.


Conclude by writing a way forward.


General Studies – 2


Topic: Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.

2. What are the criteria to award special category status (SCS) to certain states? Critically analyze the performance of Special category status in assisting development of states that face geographical and socio-economic disadvantages.  (250 words)

Difficulty level: Easy

Reference: Insights on India

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 2 and mentioned as part of Mission-2022 Secure timetable.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about performance of SCS in aiding development.

Directive word: 

Critically analyze – When asked to analyse, you must examine methodically the structure or nature of the topic by separating it into component parts and present them in a summary. When ‘critically’ is suffixed or prefixed to a directive, one needs to look at the good and bad of the topic and give a balanced judgment on the topic.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by mentioning the aims and objectives behind the grant of SCS.


First, mention the various criteria on which SCS is granted to states that face geographical and socio-economic disadvantages. Mention the various benefits associated with it.

Next, analyze the performance of states granted SCS over the years. With facts and examples write as to what extent they befitted from the grant of SCS.

Next, mention the drawbacks of grant of SCS.


Conclude by giving a balanced opinion about SCS.


Topic: Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.

3. Examine as to how the recommendations of fifteenth finance commissions (FFC) affect the inter-state relations especially the provision of Performance based incentives. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Tough

Reference: Insights on India

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 2 and mentioned as part of Mission-2022 Secure timetable.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the impact of FFC recommendations on inter-state relations.

Directive word: 

Examine – When asked to ‘Examine’, we must investigate the topic (content words) in detail, inspect it, investigate it and establish the key facts and issues related to the topic in question. While doing so we should explain why these facts and issues are important and their implications.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by giving context about FFC.


First, mention the relevant provisions of FFC pertaining to inter-state relations.

Next, explain in what way they affect the inter-state relations. Bring out the positives and negatives of it.

Next, throw light on provision of Performance based incentives and bring out its impact.


Conclude by giving a way forward to further harmonize inter-state relations.


General Studies – 3


Topic: India and its neighborhood- relations.

4. India’s engagement with the Central Asian Republics (CARs), a region which India considers part of its “extended neighbourhood” is vital in navigating the opportunities and challenges in a region. Discuss. (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Indian Express

Why the question:

Two days after China held a virtual summit with Central Asian countries, India too stepped in and Prime Minister Narendra Modi pitched for “an integrated approach for regional connectivity and cooperation for the next 30 years”.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the manner in which India can mange opportunities and challenges in central asia.

Directive word: 

Discuss – This is an all-encompassing directive – you must debate on paper by going through the details of the issues concerned by examining each one of them. You must give reasons for both for and against arguments.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by giving context as to how central Asia is India’s “extended neighborhood”

In the first part, mention the economic considerations of India in that region – India for priority development projects in energy, healthcare, connectivity, IT, agriculture, education, etc.

Next, write about long-term security threats emanating out of the region especially in regard to the recent changes witnessed in Afghanistan.

Also, mention India’s ‘Connect Central Asia Policy’, role of INSTC and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in the above-mentioned aspects.


Conclude with a way forward to better manage ties.


Topic: Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways etc.

5. A push towards logistics, prioritizing government measures to reduce India’s extremely high logistics costs, plethora of regulations, poor connectivity and distribution challenges is the current need of the hour. Elucidate (250 words)

Difficulty level: Easy

Reference: moneycontrol.com

Why the question:

A government study has estimated that facilitating a 10 percent decrease in indirect logistics costs will directly translate to a growth of 5-8 percent in exports.

Key Demand of the question:

To write about the need to reduce the cost of logistics in India.

Directive word: 

Analyse – When asked to analyse, you must examine methodically the structure or nature of the topic by separating it into component parts and present them in a summary.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by giving a statistic about high cost of logistics in India.


First, mention the impact of high cost of logistics on the Indian economy.

Next, analyze how regulations, poor connectivity and distribution challenges are detrimental to India’s developmental ambitions.

Next, suggest steps to overcome the same and reduce the bottlenecks.


Conclude by writing a way forward.


General Studies – 4


Topic: ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions;

6. How can public servants overcome unnecessary pressure, coercion and undue influence in their day-to-day administration from their higher ups and politicians? (250 words)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Analyse – When asked to analyse, you have to examine methodically the structure or nature of the topic by separating it into component parts and present them as a whole in a summary.

Structure of the answer:


Start by mentioning how various stakeholders try to exert influence in administration.


First, mention the various way in which public servants can limit the undue influence of higher ups in their own domain.

Next, mention how public servants can insulate them from unnecessary pressure of the politicians in administration.


Conclude by stressing on developing the right attitude to deal with the above.


Topic: case study.

7. The coronavirus disease (CoVID-19) pandemic has quickly spread to various countries. As on May 8th, 2020, in India 56342 positive cases of corona had been reported. India with a population of more than 1-35 billion had difficulty in controlling the transmission of coronavirus among its population. Multiple strategies became necessary to handle this outbreak. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of India raised awareness about this outbreak and to take all necessary actions to control the spread of COVID-19. Indian Government implemented a 55-day lockdown throughout the country to reduce the transmission of the virus. Schools and colleges had shifted to alternative mode of teaching- learning-evaluation and certification. Online mode became popular during these days. India was not prepared fora sudden onslaught of such a crisis due to limited infrastructure in terms of human resource, money and other facilities needed for taking care of this situation. This disease did not spare anybody irrespective of caste, creed, religion on the one hand and have and have not’ on the other. Deficiencies in hospital beds, oxygen cylinders, ambulances, hospital staff and crematorium were the most crucial aspects You are a hospital administrator in a public hospital at the time when coronavirus had attacked large number of people and patients were pouring into hospital day in and day out.

What are your criteria and justification for putting your clinical and non-clinical staff to attend to the patients knowing fully well that it is highly infectious disease and resources and infrastructure are limited?

If yours is a private hospital, whether your justification and decision would remain same as that of a public hospital? (250 words) (UPSC Mains 2021)

Difficulty level: Moderate

Why the question:

The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 4 and part of ‘Case Study Fridays’ in Mission-2022 Secure.

Structure of the answer:


Begin by giving context.


First, write about the criteria for putting staff on duty and from an ethical standpoint justify that why the staff has to be put to work.

Next, mention if the criteria or the justification would change in the case of a private hospital, instead of a government hospital.


Conclude by stressing on important of doing one’s duty.

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