The following quiz will have 5-10 MCQs. The questions are mainly framed from The Hindu and PIB news articles.
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The following Quiz is based on the Hindu, PIB and other news sources. It is a current events based quiz. Solving these questions will help retain both concepts and facts relevant to UPSC IAS civil services exam.
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Question 1 of 5
1 points
Consider the following statements regarding Global Methane Pledge.
The Global Methane Pledge was launched at the UN COP26 climate conference.
It aims to achieve net zero methane emissions by the year 2050.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Solution: a)
The Global Methane Pledge was launched at the UN COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. So far, over 90 countries have signed this pledge, which is an effort led jointly by the United States and the European Union.
The pledge was first announced by the US and EU, and is essentially an agreement to reduce global methane emissions. One of the central aims of this agreement is to cut down methane emissions by up to 30 per cent from 2020 levels by the year 2030.
The Global Methane Pledge was launched at the UN COP26 climate conference in Glasgow. So far, over 90 countries have signed this pledge, which is an effort led jointly by the United States and the European Union.
The pledge was first announced by the US and EU, and is essentially an agreement to reduce global methane emissions. One of the central aims of this agreement is to cut down methane emissions by up to 30 per cent from 2020 levels by the year 2030.
Methane is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, methane accounts for about half of the 1.0 degrees Celsius net rise in global average temperature since the pre-industrial era.
Human sources of methane are responsible for more than 50 per cent of global methane emissions.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Solution: c)
Methane is the second-most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, after carbon dioxide.
According to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, methane accounts for about half of the 1.0 degrees Celsius net rise in global average temperature since the pre-industrial era.
NASA notes that human sources (also referred to as anthropogenic sources) of methane are responsible for 60 per cent of global methane emissions. These emissions come primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, decomposition in landfills and the agriculture sector.
Methane is the second-most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, after carbon dioxide.
According to the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, methane accounts for about half of the 1.0 degrees Celsius net rise in global average temperature since the pre-industrial era.
NASA notes that human sources (also referred to as anthropogenic sources) of methane are responsible for 60 per cent of global methane emissions. These emissions come primarily from the burning of fossil fuels, decomposition in landfills and the agriculture sector.
Consider the following statements regarding PM GatiShakti.
PM Gati Shakti aims to institutionalize holistic planning for major infrastructure projects.
It is intended to break departmental silos and connect different ministries for the execution of infrastructure projects.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Solution: c)
Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the “PM GatiShakti — National Master Plan” for infrastructure development aimed at boosting multimodal connectivity and driving down logistics costs.
PM Gati Shakti aims to institutionalize holistic planning for major infrastructure projects.
PM GatiShakti is a digital platform that connects 16 ministries — including Roads and Highways, Railways, Shipping, Petroleum and Gas, Power, Telecom, Shipping, and Aviation, with a view to ensuring holistic planning and execution of infrastructure projects.
Solution: c)
Recently Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the “PM GatiShakti — National Master Plan” for infrastructure development aimed at boosting multimodal connectivity and driving down logistics costs.
PM Gati Shakti aims to institutionalize holistic planning for major infrastructure projects.
PM GatiShakti is a digital platform that connects 16 ministries — including Roads and Highways, Railways, Shipping, Petroleum and Gas, Power, Telecom, Shipping, and Aviation, with a view to ensuring holistic planning and execution of infrastructure projects.
Question 4 of 5
1 points
Consider the following statements regarding Common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR).
Common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR) is the foundational principle of United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP).
It establishes that all states are responsible for addressing global environmental destruction yet not equally responsible.
It was the first international legal instrument to address climate change and address negative impacts to global environment.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
Solution: b)
Common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR), principle of international environmental law establishing that all states are responsible for addressing global environmental destruction yet not equally responsible.
It was the first international legal instrument to address climate change and the most comprehensive international attempt to address negative impacts to global environment.
The foundational principle of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR).
Common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR), principle of international environmental law establishing that all states are responsible for addressing global environmental destruction yet not equally responsible.
It was the first international legal instrument to address climate change and the most comprehensive international attempt to address negative impacts to global environment.
The foundational principle of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR).
Bond yield is the return an investor gets on that bond or on a particular government security. Which of the following factors affect the bond yield in India?
Fiscal position of the government
Monetary policy of the Reserve Bank of India
Inflation in the economy
Global markets
Select the correct answer code:
Solution: d)
Bond yield is the return an investor gets on that bond or on a particular government security. The major factors affecting the yield is the monetary policy of the Reserve Bank of India, especially the course of interest rates, the fiscal position of the government and its borrowing programme, global markets, economy, and inflation.
Solution: d)
Bond yield is the return an investor gets on that bond or on a particular government security. The major factors affecting the yield is the monetary policy of the Reserve Bank of India, especially the course of interest rates, the fiscal position of the government and its borrowing programme, global markets, economy, and inflation.
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