The following quiz will have 5-10 MCQs. The questions are mainly framed from The Hindu and PIB news articles.
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The following Quiz is based on the Hindu, PIB and other news sources. It is a current events based quiz. Solving these questions will help retain both concepts and facts relevant to UPSC IAS civil services exam.
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Question 1 of 5
1 points
Consider the following statements regarding National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS).
- National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) focus on establishing Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
- NM-ICPS is implemented by the Department of Science & Technology (DST).
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
CorrectSolution: c)
National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) is implemented by the Department of Science & Technology (DST).
The first Phase of NM-ICPS will focus on establishing six Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) in the following domain areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Technologies for Internet of Things and Everything (IOT & IOE), Sensors, Activators and Control
- Databanks & Data Services, Data Analytics
- Advanced Communication Systems
- Robotics & Autonomous Systems
- Cyber Security and Cyber Security for Physical Infrastructure
IncorrectSolution: c)
National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) is implemented by the Department of Science & Technology (DST).
The first Phase of NM-ICPS will focus on establishing six Technology Innovation Hubs (TIHs) in the following domain areas:
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Technologies for Internet of Things and Everything (IOT & IOE), Sensors, Activators and Control
- Databanks & Data Services, Data Analytics
- Advanced Communication Systems
- Robotics & Autonomous Systems
- Cyber Security and Cyber Security for Physical Infrastructure
Question 2 of 5
1 points
Consider the following statements regarding Manda buffalo, recently seen in news.
- It is found in the Eastern Ghats and parts of Odisha.
- They are less prone to diseases and are resistant to parasitic infections.
- It is the first animal to be recognised by National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR).
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
CorrectSolution: a)
The National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) has recognised the Manda buffalo, found in the Eastern Ghats and plateau of Koraput region of Odisha, as the 19th unique breed of buffaloes found in India.
The Manda are resistant to parasitic infections, less prone to diseases and can live, produce and reproduce at low or nil input system.
This buffalo germ-plasm was first identified through a detail survey conducted by the Animal Resource Development (ARD) department of Odisha in collaboration with Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT).
With Manda buffalo recognised by NBAGR, it will be incumbent upon both Centre and State governments to devise a strategy for conservation of these buffaloes.
Four breeds of cattle — Binjharpuri, Motu, Ghumusari and Khariar — and two breeds of buffalo — Chilika and Kalahandi — and one breed of sheep, Kendrapada, have already received NBAGR recognition.
IncorrectSolution: a)
The National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR) has recognised the Manda buffalo, found in the Eastern Ghats and plateau of Koraput region of Odisha, as the 19th unique breed of buffaloes found in India.
The Manda are resistant to parasitic infections, less prone to diseases and can live, produce and reproduce at low or nil input system.
This buffalo germ-plasm was first identified through a detail survey conducted by the Animal Resource Development (ARD) department of Odisha in collaboration with Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT).
With Manda buffalo recognised by NBAGR, it will be incumbent upon both Centre and State governments to devise a strategy for conservation of these buffaloes.
Four breeds of cattle — Binjharpuri, Motu, Ghumusari and Khariar — and two breeds of buffalo — Chilika and Kalahandi — and one breed of sheep, Kendrapada, have already received NBAGR recognition.
Question 3 of 5
1 points
Consider the following statements regarding latest Red List brought out by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
- More than 25 per cent of the species that it assessed face the threat of extinction.
- Reef-building corals are the most threatened with extinction among the share of species assessed.
- No species have shown the signs of recovery.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
CorrectSolution: b)
Four of the seven most commercially fished tuna species have shown signs of recovery, the IUCN said.
Question 4 of 5
1 points
Consider the following statements regarding National Rail Plan (NRP).
- The objective of the National Rail Plan is to create capacity ahead of demand.
- The NRP is aimed to formulate strategies based on operational capacities to increase modal share of the Railways in freight to 100%.
- It aims to reduce transit time of freight substantially by increasing average speed of freight train.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
CorrectSolution: b)
Indian Railways have prepared a National Rail Plan (NRP) for India – 2030. The Plan is to create a ‘future ready’ Railway system by 2030. The NRP is aimed to formulate strategies based on both operational capacities and commercial policy initiatives to increase modal share of the Railways in freight. The objective of the Plan is to create capacity ahead of demand, which in turn would also cater to future growth in demand right up to 2050 and also increase the modal share of Railways to 45% in freight traffic and to continue to sustain it. To achieve this objective all possible financial models including Public Private Partnership (PPP) are being considered.
The main features of the National Rail Plan are:-
- Formulate strategies based on both operational capacities and commercial policy initiatives to increase modal share of the Railways in freight to 45%.
- Reduce transit time of freight substantially by increasing average speed of freight trains to 50Kmph.
- As part of the National Rail Plan, Vision 2024 has been launched for accelerated implementation of certain critical projects by 2024 such as 100% electrification, multi-tracking of congested routes, upgradation of speed to 160 kmph on Delhi-Howrah and Delhi-Mumbai routes, upgradation of speed to 130kmph on all other Golden Quadrilateral-Golden Diagonal (GQ/GD) routes and elimination of all Level Crossings on all GQ/GD route.
IncorrectSolution: b)
Indian Railways have prepared a National Rail Plan (NRP) for India – 2030. The Plan is to create a ‘future ready’ Railway system by 2030. The NRP is aimed to formulate strategies based on both operational capacities and commercial policy initiatives to increase modal share of the Railways in freight. The objective of the Plan is to create capacity ahead of demand, which in turn would also cater to future growth in demand right up to 2050 and also increase the modal share of Railways to 45% in freight traffic and to continue to sustain it. To achieve this objective all possible financial models including Public Private Partnership (PPP) are being considered.
The main features of the National Rail Plan are:-
- Formulate strategies based on both operational capacities and commercial policy initiatives to increase modal share of the Railways in freight to 45%.
- Reduce transit time of freight substantially by increasing average speed of freight trains to 50Kmph.
- As part of the National Rail Plan, Vision 2024 has been launched for accelerated implementation of certain critical projects by 2024 such as 100% electrification, multi-tracking of congested routes, upgradation of speed to 160 kmph on Delhi-Howrah and Delhi-Mumbai routes, upgradation of speed to 130kmph on all other Golden Quadrilateral-Golden Diagonal (GQ/GD) routes and elimination of all Level Crossings on all GQ/GD route.
Question 5 of 5
1 points
Mukundara Hills National Park, recently seen in news is located in