What do you understand by Aristotle’s doctrine of mean? Based on your understanding of the doctrine, comment on its relevance in the present day. – INSIGHTSIAS


Topic: Contributions of moral thinkers and philosophers from India and world.

7. What do you understand by Aristotle’s doctrine of mean? Based on your understanding of the doctrine, comment on its relevance in the present day. (150 words)

Difficulty level: Tough.

Reference: plato.stanford.edu

Why the question:

Key Demand of the question:  Description of Aristotle’s Golden mean between virtues and vices and how this concept is still applicable to the present society.

Directive word: 

Comment– here we must express our knowledge and understanding of the issue and form an overall opinion thereupon.

Structure of the answer:


Start with a brief of Aristotelian Mean theory.


Illustrate with examples, few Ethical virtues when mean but that are vices when they are excess/deficient. Mention few examples of these and illustrate them a flow chart showing virtues and vices.

Mention that this mean is situational and is dependent on the individual and their ethical backdrop and it is vital to finding a moderate position between two extremes leading to a moral behaviour.

State whether this concept is applicable in the current times by stating few scenarios.


Highlight the importance of moderation being preached by Aristotle’s Mean theory, Buddha’s middle path etc.


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