Steel Scrap Recycling Policy | IASbaba


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Steel Scrap Recycling Policy

Part of: GS Prelims and GS-III – Industries

In news The Steel Scrap Recycling Policy provides a framework to facilitate and promote establishment of metal scrapping centers in India for scientific processing & recycling of ferrous scrap generated from various sources. 

What are the features of the Policy?

  • The policy framework provides standard guidelines for collection, dismantling and shredding activities in an organized, safe and environmentally sound manner. 
  • It enumerates responsibilities for setting up collection, dismantling centre and scrap processing centre, and the roles of aggregators and responsibilities of the Government, manufacturer and owner. 
  • It does not envisage setting up of scrap centres by the Government. 
  • The role of Government is to be an enabler and provide a framework to facilitate the eco-system of metal scrapping in the country. 
  • The decision to set up scrap centres is of entrepreneurs based on commercial considerations. 
  • The Scrapping Centres are approved and monitored by the authorized agencies of the State/Union Territory Governments. 
  • The Policy does not envisage any additional monitoring mechanism thereby ensuring that there is no additional compliance burden.

News Source: PIB


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