7. ‘Politics without principles’ is one of the greatest challenges the world is facing in the present times. Elucidate. Suggest measures to overcome this (15M)
Reference: Ethics
Why the question?
Rise in politics without principle in democracies world over.
Key demand of the question:
Comprehensively throw light on the declining quality of politics world over and suggesting solutions to overcome them
Detailed explanations
Structure of the answer
Highlight the importance of principles in the field of politics in a brief manner
- List the various instances where politics is practiced across the world without principles: US pullout of Afghanistan in a hasty manner, politicians giving their support to majoritarianism in their speeches (Hungary’s government stand on LGBT rights), coalition built in Israel with the sole purpose of keeping the ex-PM out of power, apathy towards minorities in their countries or on issues like refugee crisis and climate change etc
- List the factors fuelling this situation
- Suggest some measures to overcome them. You can quote any global or national examples in this regard here
Highlight the need to reverse this trend at the earliest.