We have but a short time
On this earth,
So value your life
For what it’s really worth.
Your life has purpose.
God sent you on a mission.
To live, to love, to learn –
Is His commission.
The world needs you.
Believe me, it’s true!
Some things need doing
That only you can do.
Character matters;
Be your own person,
Your own original self,
Not someone else’s version.
Develop your talents;
They are unique.
Use your time well;
Listen only to positive critique.
Go after your dreams.
Be bold. Be brave.
Swim against the stream;
It’s more than okay.
The time is now
To find your passion.
Time waits for no one,
So get into action.
To be free of regret
In your old age,
Never ever forget
To fully live today!